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還有一間說要過完年才會告知面試結果但上面兩間已經在催我決定了,可以 ... ,貿聯Bizlink 內容:IT / SAP開發先以薪資來比較的話,兩個都落在35k左右,但這工作最需 ... ... <看更多>
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Bizlink Tech is hiring Purchasing/Sourcing Specialist, Project Engineer and CS
R/Project Specialist
Location: El Paso, TX
Benefits: 401K, Dental, Life, Medical, Vision and Working Visa sponsorship.
1. TITLE:Purchasing/Sourcing Specialist
DEPARTMENT: Sourcing & Purchasing Department
‧ Work with CSR and Engineer team to finish the component sourcing for the new project.
‧ Conducting price analysis regularly to ascertain the best component price and suppliers in terms of best value, delivery on time and quality and update the pricing information in a timely manner.
‧ Regularly checking on the ERP system to make sure the MRP result on aligning with the pricing information regarding safety stock, Lead Time of RMs.
‧ Identifying potential suppliers, visiting existing suppliers, and building and maintaining good relationships with them.
‧ Negotiating and agreeing with contracts and monitoring their progress, checking the quality of service provided;
‧ Direct, optimize and coordinate full order cycle.
‧ Meet cost, productivity, accuracy and timeliness targets.
‧ Ability to work well with others as a team.
‧ Must have 3+ year automotive wire harness related experience.
‧ Proficiency in Microsoft Office skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint).
‧ Must have a minimum of 3 years experience relating to the duties.
‧ Bachelor’s Degree (B.S.)
‧ SAP knowledge.
please send your resume to [email protected]
2. TITLE: Project Engineer
DEPARTMENT: Project Management Department
‧ Processing quotes for cable harness assembly.
‧ Ensure production procedures efficiently utilize materials, methods and personnel.
‧ Assists in the completion of the appropriate documentation for product inclusion into Oracle Agile.
‧ Improve process capability and production volume while maintaining and improving quality standards.
‧ Work with external and internal resources to resolve product and process issues.
‧ By working with sales, manufacturing, customer services, purchasing, and quality department to establish quality standards.
‧ Coordinates and tracks engineering activities to expedite new product development.
‧ Create or improve current process to make sure company achieves most efficient outcome.
‧ Bachelor’s Degree (B.S.) from a four-year college or university in Industrial/Mechanical Engineering or related engineering background is required. Post-secondary Degree is a plus.
‧ 3-4 years of engineering experience utilizing effective engineering tools for the design and development of mechanical systems.
‧ Must have excellent communication skills, as well as abilities to interpret general business periodicals, professional journals, technical procedures, or government regulations.
‧ Demonstrate strong troubleshooting skills through the use of continuous improvement techniques. Show thorough understanding of the interactions between machine, materials, methods, environment, and people to provide robust operating systems.
‧ Proficiency with Microsoft Office skills (Excel, Work, Power Point, Access)
‧ Proficient on root cause analysis or improvement projects.
‧ The ability to problem solving and find solution to multi-faceted issues in manufacturing.
‧ Working knowledge of CAD and other Engineering design software preferred.
‧ Wire harness process experience is a plus.
‧ Familiar with Oracle Agile or SAP is a plus.
‧ Bilingual in English/ Mandarin is a plus.
please send your resume to [email protected]
3.TITLE: CSR / Project specialist
DEPARTMENT: Customer Service Department
‧ Receive, review and confirm the demand for new and existing project.
‧ Working with sales, engineering, manufacturing and purchasing to ensure the proper lead time and meet customer expectations.
‧ Coordinates and tracks all customer service activities, including planning and reporting order management.
‧ Communicating schedule changes, negotiating contracts and monitoring new projects and demands.
‧ Resolve customer complaints with all internal support and ensure 8 D report deliver on time.
‧ Responsible to fulfill orders directly from customers or from internal team.
‧ Analyze available data and plan shipping schedule.
‧ Create and track order from production to delivery to client.
‧ Ensures physical inventories are maintained at sufficient levels for production on a daily basis.
‧ 1-2 year of relevant account/Project management experience in automotive cable assembly related field.
‧ Strong understanding of IATF requirement for these products.
‧ Highly developed communication and interpersonal skills.
‧ Prior experience in dealing with overseas manufacturer is a plus.
‧ Bilingual (English/Spanish or Chinese) skills are necessary.
‧ BS/BA degree or equivalent.
please send your resume to [email protected]
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Oversea_Job/M.1618366581.A.426.html
... <看更多>